2025 OABE Dual Language Bilingual Education
Teacher of the Year Award

The Dual Language Bilingual Education (DLBE) Teacher of the Year Award has been established by the Oregon Association for Bilingual Education to acknowledge the efforts made by Dual Language Bilingual Education classroom teachers on behalf of multilingual students.
The winner of OABE’s Annual DLBE Teacher of the Year Award will receive $1500.00 to further their education or to use to benefit multilingual students. In addition, OABE will cover the following expenses: two (2) nights lodging at the OABE Conference Headquarters Hotel and one (1) complimentary OABE Conference Registration – a total value of approximately $2,000.
All entries must be submitted via Google Drive by January 13 2025 at 11:59 PM. Nominations will be accepted from school staff, students, parents, administrators, or the public. Teachers cannot nominate themselves. The winner will be chosen regardless of age, sex, race, religion, or national origin.

Nomination due: January 13 , 2025 at 11:59 PM
OABE will review applications by February 3, 2025.
Nominees will be informed of their application status by February 7, 2025, at 11:59 PM.
OABE will present the award during the one-day Winter Conference on Saturday, February 22, 2025.
- Nominees must be Dual Language Bilingual Teachers currently teaching in a k-12 DLBE program and have at least three years of experience.
- Only full-time DLBE classroom teachers who work with DLBE students qualify.
- Nominees must be be first time award winners.
- Nominees should be able to grant interviews and make presentations representing the Oregon Association for Bilingual Education.
- Nominees promote OABE’s mission to advocate for educational equity, excellence, and empowerment for bilingual/multilingual students in a multicultural society.
- Candidates should have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers and educational leaders. They should play active and valuable roles in their communities as well as in their schools.
The nominating party is responsible for submitting an electronic portfolio of materials for their candidate to be used by the selection committee in its deliberations.
Preparation of Nomination Materials (to be Uploaded):
The nominating party is responsible for submitting an electronic nomination and materials for their candidate to be used by the selection committee in its deliberations.
Documents must be in PDF format. Once submitted, the materials will not be returned.
Each nomination must be submitted electronically.
- Cover Letter: Please provide a statement explaining why the nominee should receive this award. Highlight any relevant accomplishments or experiences demonstrating the nominee’s commitment and potential to impact Dual Language Bilingual Education (DLBE) programs positively. (250 words)
- Commitment to OABE’s mission: Explain how the nominee’s Dual Language Bilingual Education expertise, values, and leadership experiences align with OABE’s mission.
- Resume: Please attach the nominee’s resume (1-2 pages long).
- Recommendations: The party that nominates a candidate is responsible for submitting three letters of recommendation from three of the following school and community members: The DLBE teacher’s immediate supervisor, a DLBE teaching colleague, a student, a DLBE community member, and/or a school representative. **Instead of a written recommendation, students and families/community members have the option to submit a video or audio recommendation.
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